Your breath is your portal to radical change.

Your breath is your life force and respiration can reset your spirit.

Changing your breath patterns can change the way you feel in less than a minute, because your breath is directly connected to your central nervous system.

You have the power to change your mood, your brain, your body and your responses to life by simply changing the way you breathe.

Mallory Combemale, Founder Breath Connection



Receive $300 off your 21 Day Breathwork Program before August 28.

Set yourself up for a strong September by committing to 21 days of practice of a 20min transformative breath practice that custom designed and tailored to your individual needs.

Plus get the tried and tested structure, 1:1 care and all the support you need to successfully integrate the practice into your daily life.

  • “For a breathwork novice with rushed mornings, the 21 Day Program at first seemed ambitious and intense, and the daily 20min a challenge to incorporate into my routine consistently. Despite these hesitations, I started the program with Mallory and found the breathwork very accessible. Thanks to her guidance and support, I now cannot imagine my mornings without the practice. I would would recommend this program to absolutely everyone! You will wonder why you haven't been doing this for years already."

    Rugile Girdzijauskaite, Audio Tech Leader

  • “The daily breathwork provided a powerful shift in my inner state and perspective. I felt more at peace and focused. My mental fog, anxiety and overthinking cleared. As a result, I discovered a newfound clarity for my desires for my life and career. From this place of inner knowing, confidence and stability, I made a big shift in my job and career. This program is AMAZING and everyone should have access to it!”

    Rindcy Davis, PhD & Associate Medical Director

  • “Skepticism is a lifelong habit of mine. So I engaged Mallory’s instruction with both hope and a shrug. I was looking to improve communication within my family, and to calm a hurricane of emotions within myself. I found Mallory’s teaching to be eminently practical and free of jargon. It also works! Within a week of daily practice I was noticing changes: in the patience I had with others, in my less reactionary responses to triggers, in the positive way I’d embrace the tasks of the day. I’d recommend Mallory’s intelligent guidance to anyone who wants to communicate productively with team, family, friends, colleagues – and to clarify things within themselves.”

    David Levy, Writer & Brand Strategist

  • “I was looking to feel more grounded and have a more healthy connection to my nervous system and heart, both of which tend to accelerate fast and make me feel anxious. I loved the aspect of talking with Mallory first and then receiving specific breath practices that fit my unique situation and temperament. Over the 3 weeks, I began to truly feel each breath reach the depths of my belly and chest and literally slow my heart rate and pulse. I now have tools to use now when I am anxious or in situations where my heart rate is up. I would recommend this program to anyone who experiences anxiety, a racing heart or wants to move through life more grounded.”

    Jenna Lieberman, Waldorf School Teacher

  • "I have experienced so much profound change working with Mallory: I have more energy and strength, am more in touch with myself, and I have a more positive outlook. My capacity to withstand change in the world at large and in my personal life have deepened. I still practice her techniques and consider them a gift. Making the decision to try the 21 Day Breathwork Program was truly one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself."

    Rebecca Perrin, Retired Creative Officer at Eileen Fisher

  • “Working one-on-one with Mallory through the 21 Day Breathwork program is the best thing I've done for myself and my well-being during COVID. It helped me break though layers of anxiety and feel creative, inspired, and settled for the first time in a while. I'm an experienced yoga and meditation teacher and had some familiarity with breathwork, but Mallory developed a custom program that built on what I knew and helped me develop a deeper and more subtle breath practice. She is a gifted teacher with a lot to offer to new and established students.”

    Jaime Ledesma, Deloitte Consultant & Yoga Teacher

