21 DAY


Your breath is your portal to radical change: in your body, brain and life. Your breath is your life force and respiration can reset your spirit.

Why Breathwork?

This program is for anyone who is ready to commit to a daily practice of self-care and self-empowerment. You may be here because…

  • You are going through a time of stress, transition or uncertainty, and your regular self-care activities just aren’t cutting it any more - whether you are looking for a new job, caring for a sick family member, dealing with health issues or becoming a parent for the first time, the stressors are real and taking an intense toll on your system

  • You have fallen out of your usual wellness routines and you can feel it - your anxiety has flared up, your energy is sluggish, and you’re overthinking everything - you need a full system reboot with structure and compassionate, non-judgmental support to get you back on track

  • You are desperately craving more peace and mindfulness in your life, but struggle with anxiety, racing thoughts and mental chatter that makes meditation feel inaccessible - you also don’t have time to meditate for 1hr a day and are craving tools that can quickly shift your state and help you feel more grounded, peaceful and present in a matter of minutes

  • You have been hearing about the benefits of breathwork for ages and know it could improve your life if you were to do it more regularly, but you have found it hard to know where to start or what practices would work for you - you are craving personalized guidance and attention because you don’t have time to sort through all the different apps, classes and techniques out there

If this sounds familiar, this program is perfect for you. In the 21 Day Breathwork Program, we will work together to create a simple, personalized 20min daily breathwork practice to support the unique needs of your nervous system, personal goals and lifestyle.

The structure of the program is designed to make it easy for you to integrate the practice as a daily habit, in a way that adapted to your specific lifestyle, schedule and commitments.

SUMMER SPECIAL: Receive 30% off, if you book before Aug 28.

“For a breathwork novice with rushed mornings, the 21 Day Program at first seemed ambitious and intense, and the daily 20min a challenge to incorporate into my routine consistently. Despite these hesitations, I started the program with Mallory and found the breathwork very accessible.

Thanks to her guidance and support,
I now cannot imagine my mornings without the practice. I would would recommend this program to absolutely everyone! You will wonder why you haven't been doing this for years already."

Rugile Girdzijauskaite, Audio Tech Leader


Why a personalized breath practice?

Contrary to popular belief, breath practices are not just about “calming down”. Breath practices are powerful, scientific tools to strengthen the respiratory system, boost the immune system, relieve stress, increase focus, raise your energy and mental clarity. There are hundreds of different breath techniques that each have a different effect on your body, mind and physiology. Yet, only a handful of breath techniques are widely taught in the mainstream and are shared universally, without regard to an individual’s personal history, nervous system state and life goals.

The 21-Day Breath Connection program was created with the understanding that each individual is unique and will benefit most from different breath practices in different times of their life. If you are devoting 20min a day to a practice, you deserve to know that it is tailored to create the most impact in your life, now.

In addition to shifting your state within seconds, changing your breath patterns can also have powerful long term effects on your body and life. Through breath practices, you can rewire your conditioned nervous system responses and reprogram neural pathways in the brain. You can use the power of your breath to transcend limiting beliefs, shed fears, heal trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction and gain in confidence, creativity and connection.

The daily breathwork provided a powerful shift in my inner state and perspective. I felt more at peace and focused. My mental fog, anxiety and overthinking cleared. As a result, I discovered a newfound clarity for my desires for my life and career. From this place of inner knowing, confidence and stability, I made a big shift in my job and career. This program is AMAZING and everyone should have access to it!”

Rindcy Davis, PhD & Associate Medical Director

What’s included?

You will receive a 20min transformative breath practice, custom designed and tailored to your individual needs, which you will practice daily for a minimum of 21 days, plus all the support you need to stay accountable.

The program includes:

  1. Reflection Questionnaire and Intake Process, to inform your personalized breath practice

  2. One 20min Personalized Breathwork Practice, designed for your unique body, history, lifestyle, goals and routine

  3. One 2-Hour Kickoff Session, virtual or in-person in NYC, to share the breath practice and learn fundamental information about breath and the human nervous system

  4. Guided Practice Recording of your personalized breath practice to support you during your first week of practice

  5. Three 30min Check-in Calls around day 7, 14 and 21 to discuss the practice and stay accountable 

  6. Weekly Journaling Prompts to support reflection and integration of learnings from the practice 

  7. Ongoing Support with your practice via unlimited Whatsapp messages during the 21 Day Program

The usual price for this program is $950 and a $200 non-refundable deposit is required to confirm your booking.

SEPTEMBER SPECIAL: Receive 30% off the price of this program, if you book before Sep 30.

Set yourself up for a strong September: you may book your program now and schedule your kickoff to begin the program this month. The total cost of the program with the September Special is $650.

When you click the button below, you’ll be taken to a scheduling link to book a call with Mallory. I personally talk with every person interested in this program to make sure it is a good fit for you before you invest.

“Skepticism is a lifelong habit of mine. So I engaged Mallory’s instruction with both hope and a shrug. I was looking to improve communication within my family, and to calm a hurricane of emotions within myself. I found Mallory’s teaching to be eminently practical and free of jargon. It also works!

Within a week of daily practice I was noticing changes: in the patience I had with others, in my less reactionary responses to triggers, in the positive way I’d embrace the tasks of the day. I’d recommend Mallory’s intelligent guidance to anyone who wants to communicate productively with team, family, friends, colleagues – and to clarify things within themselves.”

David Levy, Writer & Brand Strategist

About Mallory

I am a Chinese-Singaporean-French-American-Londoner living in New York City, who is obsessed with connecting with breath :)

In my 12+ years exploring yoga, meditation, Reiki, and many different spiritual traditions, I’ve found breath practices to be the most powerful tool for transformation. Working with your breath can instantaneously change the unconscious reactions of your autonomic nervous system and over time can reprogram these deeply ingrained patterns. Because of breath practices, I can now easily breeze through situations that used to send me into spirals of anxiety.

I’m a grateful student and teacher of the Himalayan kriya yoga tradition through Ananda Mehrotra (Sattva Yoga Academy, 500Hr YTT) and have extensively studied scientifically how breath affects the human brain and nervous system (Nalanda Institute). See FAQ section below for a full list of my training and credentials.

My work is shaped by my training as an ethnographer and experience as a professional facilitator, including 5+ years at the Deloitte Greenhouse leading executive strategy and innovation sessions for Fortune 100 companies.

Now, I facilitate inclusion, leadership and community development programs for some of the world’s top organizations through my company, Inheritance Project.

When not facilitating or teaching breathwork, you’ll find me dancing, cooking and hanging out with trees.

“I was looking to feel more grounded and have a more healthy connection to my nervous system and heart, both of which tend to accelerate fast and make me feel anxious. I loved the aspect of talking with Mallory first and then receiving specific breath practices that fit my unique situation and temperament.

Over the 3 weeks, I began to truly feel each breath reach the depths of my belly and chest and literally slow my heart rate and pulse. I now have tools to use now when I am anxious or in situations where my heart rate is up. I would recommend this program to anyone who experiences anxiety, a racing heart or wants to move through life more grounded.”

Jenna Lieberman, Waldorf School Teacher


This program is all about offering personalized care and support, which is so often missing in the world of breathwork, yoga and meditation teaching.

If you are curious about the program but have questions or concerns, please reach out to find a time to chat.

"I have experienced so much profound change working with Mallory: I have more energy and strength, am more in touch with myself, and I have a more positive outlook. My capacity to withstand change in the world at large and in my personal life have deepened. I still practice her techniques and consider them a gift. Making the decision to try the 21 Day Breathwork Program was truly one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself."

Rebecca Perrin, Retired Creative Officer at Eileen Fisher


  • I recommend practicing first thing in the morning after you wake up, before eating. It's advised to practice on an empty stomach, ideally not within ~3hrs of eating a large meal. The morning tends to be when most people have more control over their time, before going to work or other commitments.

    However, during our intake process and kickoff session, we will work together to create an individualized plan for your practice, based on your lifestyle and preferences. I've worked with people who do the practice consistently before bed in the evening, after leaving work, during their lunch break, during a morning break, or a combination of the above depending on the day.

    It's all about what works best for you.

  • One of the things I love about breathwork practice is that you don't need to buy any fancy equipment. All you need is yourself and your lungs. Literally, anyone can do it!

    You can do the practice sitting up on a chair, bench or stool with your feet on the floor, or sitting cross-legged on the floor or a cushion. If you have particular injuries or medical conditions that make it challenging for you to sit up for 20min, we can also create a practice that you can. do lying down. Whatever your situation, we can customize a practice that works for you and your body.

    I recommend dedicating a particular place in your living space for your practice. It doesn't have to be anything fancy - simply the same chair in the same corner of the same room will work. Practicing in a consistent physical environment can help you create and maintain a new habit consistently.

    A physical practice space isn't required, it's simply a suggestion that can support your new daily routine. If you are traveling, away from your regular living space or living nomadically, you can of course still do the practice and I can provide other suggestions to support you committing to this new habit consistently.

  • Studies have shown that consistent, intentional breath practices impact human physiology in profound ways, including reducing anxiety, improving cardiovascular health and strengthening the nervous system. Some report results from as little as 6 seconds of deep breathing!

    While you may be able to feel the effects and receive benefit from a few minutes or even seconds of deep breathing, in my experience practicing and teaching for many years, I've found that 20min provides a good amount of time for most people to feel a significant impact on their mental and physical health.

    At the same time, 20min is still short enough to fit easily into your busy schedule. Think about how much time you waster per day scrolling on social media, ruminating on situations you can't control or other non-productive activities.

  • Getting up earlier and/or sacrificing other activities you love is not required in this program :)

    During our intake process and kickoff session, I work with you 1:1 to understand your daily responsibilities, schedule and desired lifestyle. Together, we create an achievable plan to embed the 20min practice into your daily and weekly routine, in a way that is customized to your unique lifestyle and flexible to the inevitable ups and downs of life, including travel and social events. Receiving this type of customized guidance and support is a huge benefit of working with someone 1:1.

    I bring not only 5 years of experience working with clients 1:1 through this program to change their habits and integrate practice into their daily routine, but also my 10+ year parallel career as an strategy and organizational change consultant. I understand deeply all the common barriers to changing our lifestyle and habits, and can support you with the most effective, evidence-based strategies.

  • No problem. The only certainty in life is change. The purpose of this program is to help you integrate daily practice into your lifestyle for the long term, which means working with the inevitable ups, downs, changes and disruptions that occur in life. We will work together to create an individualized plan for your practice that takes into account your travel and other unique life commitments.

    Rather than forcing you to stick to an overly rigidly routine (e.g., I must practice at exactly 6:33am every day or I'm a failure), I will support you to create a plan that is flexible and can serve you through periods of travel or other disruption.

    In my experience, having a daily breathwork practice has supported me immensely during travel for work and leisure. I've been better able to manage the stress that can sometimes arise due to travel issues, being with family or simply being away from my usual routines and comforts. The practice is here to support you to live the life you desire and show up as your best self for it, not limit you.


    Nov 2019 - present: Breath Connection Online & New York, NY

    • Work with individuals 1:1 to make breathwork, meditation and kriya yoga practices a consistent daily habit 

    • Teach online breathwork classes and maintain an online community

    • Teach in-person workshops at events and festivals including Ecstatic Dance, Resonance, Dance Beyond Campout and Alchemia Studios 

    May 2017 - Oct 2018: Loom Yoga Center Brooklyn, NY

    • Taught weekly yoga classes at both Bushwick and Williamsburg studio locations, including Open Level Vinyasa Flow and Reiki & Restore 


    April 2024: Vipassana Meditation, Insight Meditation Society Barre, MA

    • 7-Day silent Vipassana meditation course with Erin Treat, Victoria Cary and Howard Cohn

    Aug 2023: Vipassana Meditation, Insight Meditation Society Barre, MA

    • 3-Day silent Vipassana meditation course with Narayan Helen Liebenson 

    Nov 2020 - Jan 2021: Beyond 500-Hr “Master Training” Sattva Yoga Academy Online 

    • Deeper training in the Himalayan Kriya Yoga practices of the Babaji lineage, including yoga philosophy, puja, meditation, pranayama, kriya and asana with Anand Mehrotra 

    Oct - Nov 2020 Held: The Somatics of Support Online 

    • Exploration of guiding somatic experiences of support, including physiology, anatomy, the nervous system and Bartenieff Fundamentals with Margherita Tisato 

    Jan 2020: “The Art of Waiting” Yin Yoga Training, Temple Brooklyn, NY

    • Yin Yoga training, including anatomy, pain science and the nervous system with Margherita Tisato 

    April - May 2019: 500-Hr YTT, Sattva Yoga Academy Rishikesh, India 

    • Intensive training in the Himalayan Kriya Yoga practices of the Babaji lineage, including yoga philosophy, puja, meditation, pranayama, kriya and asana with Anand Mehrotra 

    • Certified as a kriya meditation teacher, who is able to initiate students into the lineage with their own personal mantra 

    February 2019: Classical Hatha Yoga, Isha Yoga Center Coimbatore, India 

    • Introduction to Hatha yoga poses and techniques in the tradition of Sadhguru

    February 2019: Vipassana Meditation, Dhamma Setu V Chennai, India 

    • 10-Day silent Vipassana meditation course in the tradition of S.N. Goenka 

    Oct 2018: 12-Hr Restorative Yoga Training, Bend & Bloom Brooklyn, NY

    • Comprehensive training in Restorative yoga poses, sequencing and use of props with Marlie Mcgovern

    Jan - June 2018: 100- Hour Yoga, Mind & Spirit Training New York, NY

    • Psychology and neuroscience of yoga, including the latest scientific research on breath and nervous system with Joe Loizzo and Sonia Sequeira

    • Studies of yoga philosophy, including the Yoga Sutras, Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra with Mary Reilly Nichols, Jacob Kyle and Marlie McGovern

    2017: Trauma-Informed Yoga Training, Liberation Yoga Project New York NY

    • Understanding of trauma and nervous system, and techniques for structuring and guiding a trauma-aware yoga class with Anneka Lucas 

    Nov 2015 - Mar 2016: 200-Hr YTT, Loom Yoga Center Brooklyn, NY

    • Comprehensive training in yoga asana, anatomy, class structure, yoga philosophy and meditation with Margherita Tisato, Ambyr D’Amato and Ximena Milagros Perez Frankel


    July 2020 - Present: Reiki Teacher & Mentor New York, NY 

    July 2016 Usui Reiki Ryoho: Level 3 with Bogdan Ciochinaru New York, NY 

    March 2015: Usui Reiki Ryoho, Level 2 with Bogdan Ciochinaru New York, NY 

    Sept 2014: Usui Reiki Ryoho, Level 1 with Bogdan Ciochinaru New York, NY 

Working one-on-one with Mallory through the 21 Day Breathwork program is the best thing I've done for myself and my well-being during COVID. It helped me break though layers of anxiety and feel creative, inspired, and settled for the first time in a while.

I'm an experienced yoga and meditation teacher and had some familiarity with breathwork, but Mallory developed a custom program that built on what I knew and helped me develop a deeper and more subtle breath practice. She is a gifted teacher with a lot to offer to new and established students.”

Jaime Ledesma, Deloitte Consultant & Yoga Teacher

“The secret of life is right under your nose!”

— Dan Brule