“Your first and foremost job as a leader is to take charge of your own energy”

-Bob Proctor

In-Person Immersion in NYC: November 9 - 10, 2024

PLUS 21 Days of Practice, Integration and 1:1 Support to become a fully confident Reiki practitioner

  • Small, intimate group of no more than 6 people

  • Personalized practice plan to make Reiki meditations and self-healing techniques part of your daily routine

  • 21 Days of practice, accountability, integration support and guided reflection through a Community Chat

  • Group Integration Sessions to ensure your learnings become a lasting part of your life

  • Virtual Distance Healing Practice Sessions

  • Vegan Community Dinner!

  • Become part of the Firefly Society Reiki community in NYC and get access to regular free Reiki Shares, community practice gatherings and discounts on future Reiki programs

Community Reiki Share

Community Reiki Share

Join the Firefly Society Reiki community for an afternoon of Reiki practice and togetherness in Central Park. As practitioners, we are often giving to others and it is important to make space to receive and connect to our own practice.

Taylor Rose, Reiki Practitioner & Actor

“Mallory provides so much more than just a class. She is so intentional about giving her students an in depth, intimate understanding of Reiki, while fostering community with her students. Since I began working with Mallory, my self-Reiki practice has become so much deeper and more fulfilling, and this has directly impacted the quality of the treatments I give my clients. I’m more embodied, confident, and most importantly, I now have a community of practitioners to learn and grow with.”

What is Reiki?

Reiki means “universal source energy” in Japanese. There are many forms of energy work and energy healing, but here Reiki refers to a specific system of philosophy and set of techniques taught by Mikao Usui in late 1800s Japan.

Contrary to popular belief, Reiki is not an “ancient” system. It draws inspiration from the spiritual inheritance of Japan, which includes Buddhism, Shintoism (indigenous shamanic traditions) and more. Drawing on this rich cultural heritage, the system of Reiki was articulated by Mikao Usui within the specific context of secular, industrializing Japanese society.

Reiki is not just a practice for healing others, useful to those only interested in pursuing work in the healing arts. In fact, Reiki is a powerful package of practices for mastering your own energy. It is a secular, practical set of tools for self-development.

Whether you are a business leader, a teacher, a care-giver or facilitator of any kind, practicing Reiki will enhance your ability to lead groups with calm and clarity, make decisions under pressure and generate positive uplifting energy that will motivate those around you.

Your Journey: The Path of Reiki

Reiki is taught by initiation, i.e., the knowledge and practices are passed on directly from teacher to student. Your Reiki initiation will involve a series of “rejus” or “energetic blessings” that activate or attune your awareness of subtle energy.

There are 3 primary stages in your Reiki journey:

  1. Reiki Level 1 - work on self-awareness, self-healing and rebalancing your own energy

  2. Reiki Level 2 - learn how to work with others and give energy healing sessions

  3. Reiki Level 3 - learn how to give rejus and teach the system of Reiki

Each initiation is followed by a 21-Day Integration period where you commit to practice the techniques and meditations every day. It is also recommended that you refrain from drugs and alcohol, and eat a clean, vegetarian diet during this time.

Questions about Reiki?

Check out our Intro to Reiki Workshop to get all your Reiki questions answered. You'll walk away with:

  1. The brief history of Reiki and how the cultural, political and social context of late 1800s Japan influenced its development

  2. An overview of the different Reiki lineages and traditions

  3. A simple Reiki technique you can use right away to feel more grounded and balanced

  4. Understand what to look for in a Reiki training and teacher

  5. PLUS some common Reiki myths debunked!

About Mallory

If you had mentioned the concept of “universal spiritual energy” before life unexpectedly thrust Reiki into my path, my cynical self would have told you “there’s no such thing”. As a practical, ambitious high achiever I didn’t have much capacity for things I found “irrational”.

Then, I fell in love with an incredible Reiki teacher at the age of 21. Thank you, life. I learned about Reiki and energy work through my own experience and could not deny its power.

Since then, Reiki has been a core tool in my journey of self-empowerment, self-healing and leadership, and an incredible complement to other practices along my personal development journey.

I have also been teaching breathwork, meditation, and yoga since 2016 and am a serious nerd when it comes to the science of the human nervous system and brain.

I am a professional facilitator and entrepreneur. As a co-founder of Inheritance Project , I facilitate leadership development, conflict resolution and inclusion programs for some of the world’s top organizations. I also love to dance and hang out with trees!

Devin Karbowicz, Life Coach

“Mallory’s passion for Usui Reiki is contagious. She has a deep connection to this lineage and brought a lot of attention and care to the teaching process. The course structure provided plenty of time to ask questions and integrate the practices into our daily lives. The classes felt more like community gatherings, which was a fun and memorable way to learn!”


  • Reiki means “universal source energy” in Japanese. There are many forms of energy work and energy healing with origins in cultures all around the world. Reiki is a system of philosophy and a set of techniques taught by Mikao Usui in late 1800s Japan.

  • Reiki is considered a spiritual lineage, because the knowledge and practices are transmitted from student to teacher in an unbroken chain. The Reiki Usui Ryoho lineage is closest to the original Japanese teachings, as taught by the Mikao Usui, the creator of the Reiki system. It focuses on Reiki as a personal path of spiritual and self-development.

    Most Reiki teachers in the West teach Usui Shiki Ryoho, which is the name of the system of Reiki taught by Hawayo Takata in Hawaii and the US in the 1970s.